Our engagements Our engagements

Our engagements Our engagements

1. Our low-carbon approach

Why embark on a low-carbon approach: responding to the climate emergency

3 years to act: this is what the IPCC (Intergovernmental Group of Climate Experts) has defined. Very concretely, we must succeed in reversing the curve of greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 if humanity wants to hope to maintain a “livable” planet. This would make it possible to achieve the objective of only 2 degrees of warming, because the (very ambitious) objective of the Paris Agreement which consists of limiting the increase in temperatures by 1.5 degrees is potentially already "out of reach" *

At Love & Green we don’t give up! This is why we work on the continuous improvement of our products, and why we launched our first Life Cycle Analysis targeted on the carbon footprint, in 2021, for our diapers.

*To better understand, we recommend this carbon4 explanatory page: https://www.carbone4.com/article-giec-groupe3-points-cles

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2. Naturalness in the service of health

We have developed a common base of commitments to health and the environment for all our products, consistent with our corporate mission:

- Products that must be tested under dermatological control before being placed on the market: we ban perfumes and allergens in almost all of our products (only our COSMOS certified organic orange blossom scented wipes contain a light fragrance),

- The use of the most natural ingredients and components possible: all our paper hygiene products have contact with the skin of natural origin,

- The banning of any ingredient suspected of having the slightest impact on health that we identify in a regularly updated blacklist. We say no to: ingredients suspected of being carcinogenic, endocrine disruptors, allergens, irritants, etc.

- A systematic environmental certification approach for all products, based on the most demanding existing standards. In addition to this common base for all our ranges, we offer specific commitments for each type of product. Find here link on the “ our products ” page.

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3. The International Sustainable Development Goals

Act for the ten principles in its operational practices

1- Promote and respect the protection of international law relating to Human Rights

2- Be careful not to become complicit in human rights violations

3- Respect freedom of association and recognize the right to collective bargaining

4- Contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor

5- Contribute to the effective abolition of child labor

6- Contribute to the elimination of all discrimination in employment

7- Apply the precautionary approach to environmental problems

8- Take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility

9- Promote the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies

10- Act against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery

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4. Be transparent in all our practices

In 2020, Green Family presents its first CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) report: a document that formalizes all the commitments made by the brand for 10 years now! 🖋️

Proud of its evolution, the brand has continued to develop and offer new projects. But we must not forget the founding values ​​that make it a responsible and committed brand: natural, healthy, bold and human! Transparency, respect for the environment and even continuous innovation are the battles waged from the beginning and they are still at the heart of our daily actions today! 💚

It is with pride that we offer our second CSR report laying out all the work of the Green Family, a written record that will evolve and grow with the company, its team and its ambitions! 💪

And let's not forget, let's change for a greener world 🌿

Find out about our second CSR report review of our 2021 actions, it's true: Green Family CSR Report

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