Our product test results Our product tests

Our product test results Our product tests

Discover all our tests

Below you will find all our toxicity, endocrine disruptor and absorption tests.

How to read them?

On the left, you will find the substances that were tested. In the middle column, this is the unit of measurement of the substance. And in the right column, you have the result. When the result appears like this: < number: this means that the substance was not detected. The number represents the detection limit which was therefore not reached.

So as you can see, all the tests we have done show that there is no detection of toxic substances in our products. Feel free to come back to this page, because we add more regularly.

As you may have read, one of our commitments is to offer products without endocrine disruptors. Easy to say! In fact, almost all brands say so! But we prove it to you thanks to the tests that you will find below.

We have had our products tested by an independent laboratory.

All tests carried out by the independent laboratory conclude that there is no estrogenic activity in Love & Green products, whether for diapers, sanitary towels, or wipes and cleansing care products.

Our diapers and pants are rated A in absorbency, which means it's the best absorbency possible. Healthier and more natural with added absorbency!

Find our absorption tests below:

Transparency at the heart of our values

As part of monitoring the quality of our products, we regularly carry out tests to detect potentially harmful substances. Below you will find these tests. However, we alert you to the fact that the methodology and maximum values ​​authorized for single-use baby diapers were the subject of a definition in 2020 by the French health authorities (ANSES) and are the subject of regular monitoring by the DGCCRF (Directorate General for Competition, Consumption and Fraud Repression). To learn more about the scientific support note, click here. To date, independent laboratories are not capable of reproducing the level of requirements of the health authorities for the detection of the maximum values ​​authorized by ANSES according to their latest note of March 9, 2020 (Request No. 2019-SA-0076) for 9 PAHs out of 17. The tests that we regularly carry out on our products still allow us to verify that the maximum authorized values ​​are not exceeded for other toxic substances in order to guarantee the absence of toxicity of our products. Regarding PAHs, tests carried out by independent laboratories show an absence of detection in our products, at very low detection thresholds, but nevertheless higher than the values ​​imposed by the authorities. The DGCCRF press release of February 23, 2021 presents the latest analysis results for LOVE & GREEN diapers, classified in the “green” category, and as such confirms their total safety, i.e. “no likely to present a risk, including in the context of cumulative exposures.” Find the press release here.