3 years to act: this is what the IPCC (Intergovernmental Group of Climate Experts) has defined. Very concretely, we must succeed in reversing the curve of greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 if humanity wants to hope to maintain a “livable” planet. This would make it possible to achieve the objective of only 2 degrees of warming, because the (very ambitious) objective of the Paris Agreement which consists of limiting the increase in temperatures by 1.5 degrees is potentially already "out of reach" *
At Love & Green we don’t give up! This is why we work on the continuous improvement of our products, and why we launched our first Life Cycle Analysis targeted on the carbon footprint, in 2021, for our diapers.
*To better understand, we recommend this carbon4 explanatory page: https://www.carbone4.com/article-giec-groupe3-points-cles